Investment Abroad
Global Capital Markets
We prudently invest across a spectrum of asset classes consisting of equities, fixed income, and alternative assets both in global public and private markets. The financial markets provide the avenues for exploiting global opportunities and geographical diversification of investments.
We believe in value investing and take a long term view on our investments. Risk management is a key tenet of our investment strategy. Alongside the exploration of opportunities, we aspire to build a team of professionals at par with global experts.
Contact Person: Mr. Karma Chophel, Associate Director, Department of Investments (DoI), Email: karmachophel@dhi.bt
Digital Assets
We explore opportunities in evolving asset classes like the Web 3/blockchain space. In addition to providing the foundation for digital money, public blockchains are powering novel forms of coordination across finance and the Internet. The breadth of use cases enabled by open, distributed ledgers and permissionless, censorship resistant, trust minimized computation have exploded and are reshaping many sectors of the global economy. Essentially, all forms of business models and institutions predicated on trust are potentially going to be disrupted and disintermediated. Just as the internet turned information into packets online, public blockchains could turn all assets into transactions on-chain via tokenization. This would lead to enormous value transfer in the underlying blockchains and protocols.
Adopting a "pick and shovel" strategy, the objective is to gain exposure via their native tokens in key Layer 1/Layer 2 blockchain networks and infrastructure layers before it potentially achieves mainstream adoption to capitalize on the potential for outsized returns.
Contact Person: Mr. Pem Tshering, Associate Director, Department of Investments (DoI), Email: dhi@dhi.bt